Get to know us
Get to know us
Dear Customer, I am very glad to see you on my company’s website. This is where you can hear the voices of my employees. Who else but them could better explain what can we offer you? This tab, however, is reserved for me.
Please, continue to read to find out: which unique benefits we offer; which values have been and still are at the bottom of the Gieros brand; how it all started, and what stays behind the wide range of services we provide.
Get to know us better!
Marcin Gieros
We started as a small, family-run company…
In 1981, my father Andrzej Gieros established a company named Metaloplastyka. It produced jewellery and accessories made of non-ferrous metals, plastics, chemically hardened resins and ZnAlu. From the very beginning, my father’s priority was self-reliance. At that time, we already had our own blanking dies, press dies, casting moulds and other tools.
When the Polish market got flooded by Chinese products, we decided to try to adjust our prices to compete with them. It is no surprise we did not succeed. The market change, however, served as a driver for rebranding. We switched to technical products.
Facing the risk while running a company is inevitable. And the purchase of our first CNC machine was, indeed, risky. I remember it perfectly. It was as small as a sheet of paper and exceeded the value of our company at the time.
Another big step for us was to invest in our education, including the studies at the Poznan University of Technology. We wanted to use this huge investment, and the opportunities it created, as soon as possible. I can truly say it was a lesson learned.
Sustainable success
We succeeded! Our employees, however, did not share the enthusiasm for the triumph of technology. They were afraid of the reduction of human-operated workstations due to the automation, whereas thanks to it we could expand our team from 17 to 70 people! Our efficiency skyrocketed, and the production costs dropped significantly.
It would have been impossible without our Clients who approved of our ambitious actions and saw them as an opportunity to grow together. With some of them, over 20 years later, we still partner and celebrate the shared success!
Second milestone
In 2002, all the actions we have taken over the years led us to the Kunstoffe Fairs in Düsseldorf. We were thirsty for knowledge and curious to see what was happening at this global symposium of processing companies. The technical capabilities presented there changed our perspective on running a business.
After the fairs, my father took a resolution to fully automatise the work of our moulds within one year’s time. We faced harsh criticism and were laughed at, but the goal was set, and we strived to achieve it.
Stable progress
The company still go towards the direction we took at that time. My father deceased, but his strive for progress and growth inspires me to this day. This is why I still take the risk to modernise the plant and expand our offer.
Now, at our company, there are 6 professional CNC centres, several injection machines, innovative assembly lines and a team of highly-qualified employees who know what does the work on such a big scale take. All of this results in a strong market position which the competition is envy about.
A new chapter
Wielkie zamierzenia wymagają wielkiej przestrzeni. Cztery lata po przełomowych targach postanowiliśmy przenieść siedzibę firmy do malowniczych Kwiatkowic Kolonii. Złożyły się na to różne okoliczności, ale najważniejszą z nich był rozwój, który nabierał prędkości.
Budynek zakładu, zaprojektowany przez okoliczną architektkę, doskonale wpisuje się w otaczający nas krajobraz. Charakterystyczne, dwuspadowe daszki przywodzą na myśl tradycyjne, wiejskie domy, jakie można jeszcze spotkać w okolicy.
Why “Gieros”?
At some point, we asked some of our clients: “How do you call our company”? All of them responded: simply “Gieros”. At that time, I was promoted from an employee to my father’s partner, so the timing for the change of the company name was perfect. Our brand as you see it today was shaped by our clients.
During 40 years, they had a great impact on its development. Without their vision, ideas, openness, trust, readiness for collaboration and support in promotion we would not have ended up here. Our clients are our business partners. We work hand in hand for our shared success.